Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today has been a different day for me...In the past week I've had emotions revisited from those quite some time ago, and, from all of this 'thinking' it has made me feel a bit melancholy...guess you could say, has left me feeling thankfulness for the travels in my life and at the same time recognition of important things lost along the way.
Disneyland has been and will always be a most special place for me, my wife and my children. It still is the one place I so want to be the 1st to take my grandchildren.
I miss Mexico. Some of the greatest times in my life have been spent in this country. Puerto Penasco holds volumes of memories from the very earliest years of my kids. It has only been in the last 2 years that all of this has changed...not for the good, with increasing crime and angst over safety of travel across the border. I wish it were not like this...
Downtown Seal Beach, California was always a favorite for my parents and now with my Mother's recent passing I wish we had more time to reminisce over her younger life with my Father...I just always seem to come back to this repeating theme in my life and that was never knowing enough history of their lives...
Finally, and really most important, has been the void of God in my life...a church home. Over the years I have felt great connection to God in my life but it does not feel this way anymore. The humanness of the church, it's own sin, the hypocrisy of the people who attend and the distance from the healing and contact with God's people leaves a great void in my life. Certainly in regards to feeling 'connected' to God, this remains a great emptiness inside me. The word 'faith' and the scriptural meaning within the context of biblical passages truly is all I feel I'm hanging onto... I'm reminded of a friend's words decades ago, "...faith is really faith when it is the only thing that you're hanging onto..."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My favorite dog in my life died on December 29. My Mother died on February 2nd...

Healthcare has marked challenges and none more important than the fact it is rapidly being thrust into 'business' and not compassionate care for another human being...If you doubt me, visit your local emergency room. Did the provider sit down in your room to talk to you? Did the provider put their hands on your body to examine you? Did you wait forever to see this person for perhaps, oh, let's say 30-60 seconds??

If you think that Arizona is full of 'racial profilers', think about this...Federal law expects immigration to be done, "...legally..." Arizona just wants to see you have a valid driver's license for the state and, guess what, that's it...you qualify as "legal" in this state. By the way, study your own response to this scenario: next time somebody tells you to do something you know darn well know is wrong...go ahead and do it...what the heck, it couldn't be that bad, right?! I suppose not except if it were your daughter kidnapped by an illegal immigrant and now you were faced with never seeing her again might that stir some response? Or, maybe this...simply park your vehicle in your driveway and never see it again b/c it now has crossed the southern border never to yours again...oops! You mean it was financed?! And you didnt' have 'bridge insurance'...oh, well, you'll find a couple thousand to pay off the bank and call it EVEN!! Or better yet...be a police person in this the 6th largest city in the country, on patrol, and pull over a speeding vehicle to be shot to death on the side of the road by an illegal alien who later is surrounded, falls to the ground, and is arrested...what do you do since you're the one going hours later to the front door of that officer's home to tell his wife and 4 kids, '...he's died in the line of service...' Anyone foolish to blame Arizonans and their politicians for "...being discriminatory..." has not lived where their safety is in question. Yes, the majority of us have decided ENOUGH is ENOUGH and will enforce illegal immigration by stopping
ANYONE suspected to be an illegal alien and require them to prove they legally can be here. How would you enforce the issue?? You say, "...that they can't do that, can't enforce the law like that. Ok, how do you do it? What, no answers Washington, D.C.?? Oh well, you know we don't want the President of Mexico upset...nor the mayor of Los Angeles...and certainly not the ACLU....Wondered if you saw the bright signage carried in downtown Phoenix in the last couple weeks caught by photo...seems the sentiment is heating up b/c this Mexican decided that he was in need of free food, medicine, rent, and oh by the way, arrogant enough to mention, "...or I'll kill another cop...(if you don't give me what I want)" Guess this is the neighborhood you want your kids raised in...? Well then, can anyone tell me how this is immigration enforcement? How about legal? How about sane? How about lacking anything we used to value about living in America??